Ahh February. The month of love…of roses, teddy bears and candy hearts. But do you know what we’re forgetting?

REAL HEARTS. Like the heart that is (hopefully) beating in your chest right now.  We all have one, we all need one, and we are so bad at taking care of them that the American Heart Association (AHA) has named February Heart Month, and they dedicate the entire 28 days to educating people about how to keep their hearts healthy. Why?

Perhaps because according to the Red Cross it’s because over 200,000 people die of Sudden Cardiac Arrest every year. Maybe because Heart Disease is our number one killer worldwide.

These facts are sobering, sad, and scary, but there is a solution.  You can help reduce these numbers through First Aid/CPR training.

Training requirements.

Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states:  In the absence of an infirmary clinic, hospital, or physician, a person shall be available to render first aid. 

California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) Construction Safety Order states:  Each employer shall ensure the availability of a suitable number of appropriately trained persons to render first aid.

OSHA does not consider online training alone adequate to meet their specifications.  They require “hands on” skills practice.

Training is required every 2 years.

Why is it important?

 The stats speak for themselves:

  • Approximately every 40 seconds an American will have a heart attack.
  • Someone in the US has a stroke every 40 seconds on average.
  • According to the American Heart Association, 70% of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because either they do not know how to administer CPR, or their training has significantly lapsed. 
  • Only 6.4% of Cardiac Arrest Victims survive because people witnessing the incident do not know CPR

Accidents can happen in the workplace or the home, First Aid/CPR training provides the knowledge and skill to save not only a co-worker, but also a loved one.

By knowing what how to act in an emergency, you have the potential to save someone’s life! According to the AHA, 50,000 of the 200,000 deaths yearly could be prevented through training.

M.R.S. skilled trainers come to your facility, at a time of your choosing to provide First Aid/CPR/AED training.  Questions or ready to schedule training?  Call (800) 200-0888 or email [email protected].


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